Real-time compliance can provide the data housing providers need

Real-time compliance can provide the data housing providers need

Real-time compliance can provide the data housing providers need

Guy Murphy

By Guy Murphy on

This article originally appeared in 24 Housing as a comment piece from Effie Simmons, Gas Tag Product Manager. 


Technology is becoming more prevalent in homes and businesses around the world and has given us the power to turn on our heating from the bus, power up the kettle from bed and monitor the quality of the air we breathe in our living rooms. 


However, technology doesn’t just give us the power to turn things off and on but it also gives us real-time insights into our home. We have never had so much data available to us and the ability to get a real-time overview of stock is set to revolutionise the housing sector. 


In October, the Regulator of Social Housing published its annual Sector Risk profile and one of the key takeaways from the report was the role that good quality data can play in reducing risk. Emerging technology and digital platforms are moving many providers away from traditional methods of storing data and to digital platforms where information can be accessed at any time. This opens up new opportunities for providers to manage their stock, plan their repairs and maintenance, and ensure 100% compliance. 


The Internet of Things is already providing a platform for providers to free up money, time and resources through its sensor technology. Projects are underway up and down the country to transform archaic reactive processes into proactive approaches to working, from monitoring damp levels in properties to self diagnosing boilers that increase the number of first fix jobs. 
However, in some cases there is still a risk that the data used could be flawed. At Gas Tag we’ve also used technology to standardise the workflow for gas inspections. When using our app engineers follow the same process, answer the same questions and evidence the same work. For the provider, this means that they receive the same information for each property and can run accurate reports without missing or conflicting data. 


Following feedback from clients, our product team is currently working to replicate the Gas Tag product across other compliance areas. Our current product map includes digital solutions to fire and legionella, while we will also be bringing Elec Tag to market next year. 


It would be safe to say that the housing sector can often be sceptical to digital solutions, with many providers having had bad experiences with expensive, clunky systems that never quite deliver. However, there are now many emerging technologies which are primed to transform how the sector works and help provide quality homes for residents.

“We have never had so much data available to us and the ability to get a real-time overview of stock is set to revolutionise the housing sector.”

Effie Simmons,
Product Manager
Guy Murphy

Guy Murphy

PR and Communications Manager